Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Adventures of Craig and Negrodamus - Part 2

Loyal Litter-Box readers might remember when I took care of Negrodamus the Cat last year. Negrodamus isn't the classiest of cats, and that visit soon turned from innocent fun to full fledged kitty porn!

This time around Negrodamus spent most of his time exploring my apartment trying to shove himself into any nook or cranny he could find....

In a shoe box...

Underneath my futon...

Squeezing underneath my bar, pushing aside the stuff I had laid down to block him...

And finally he got all tangled up in wires trying to cram his big rear end behind my TV stand!

There was even one incident were he almost jumped into my oven while I was putting a sheet of cookies into it!

Of course after all was said and done the fun had to end, but Negrodamus wanted to stay with me and was reluctant to leave. Click the picture below to see video of me wrestling him into his pet taxi shortly before he left!